The truth will set you free…and possibly ruin your future


What did Ernesto think was going to happen when Rosie finally saw him? That they would run towards each other in slow motion (while somehow in a field of daisies) and everything was going to be puppies and rainbows?! Negative. Rosie reacted the way any normal person wold upon realizing they have been dropped in Michael Jackson’s thriller video. You just can’t come dancing out the grave five YEARS after your “death”! She needs to take it easy on meester Spence though. I was a little weary of his true intentions by not telling her about Ernesto for a moment. I wasn’t sure if he would have every felt it was the right time to let her know because he knows she could possibly drop him like a hot potato as a result. He still didn’t deserve that tongue lashing though. I can’t wait to see Rosie and Ernesto properly reunite! So many questions!

Well Zoila told on herself! And here I was thinking Rosie was going to be her undoing. In a way, she kind of was. Hearing her bitch out Spence regarding honesty was the straw that broke her conscience’s back. Damn. Now Javi is going to hate her. He already left. Genevieve and Zoila raising a baby. Two old goats and an infant. Maybe Remy and Valentina will step in and pick up a baby duty shift. Speaking of them, why were they not at the wedding. Were they off eloping? Better not have been! I want to see their wedding!

So if Michael isn’t dead, who is?! Katie’s “dad”? Who is that? Was Katie kinapped? Are Taylor and Michael the ones we should really be frightened by? Either way, Blanca needs to get the hell up out of that house! She will either drive herself mad, or become just as shifty and shady as them. Possibly both 0_0

Who is this male maid? I don’t trust him or his story about the army. Clearly he was in the army, thanks to the photographic evidence, but how much of his sob story is really true? Hmmmmm

Adrian Powell…I can’t. Carmen is about to be on a rollercoaster of weird, lol

The Pretty Little Messes


When Emily kept putting her dad’s fatigue jacket on, I was thinking, ” Yes! She’s going to join the army and will only return for the series finale”, but then reality set in towards the end when Sarah McNobody was lurking from across the street. If I were Emily I wouldn’t give her the time of day! She was captive for 2 years! Her lack of basic instinct mixed with Emily’s all around uselessness can only mean one thing. A giant shit storm is a’brewin and Spencer is in no shape to take that on right now.

Aria is really desperate for an arrest. Lying to the police? Ella looked over at her like WHAT?! I bet she wishes she was still a Halliwell so she could freeze that situation and get Aria back in line! That would have made my LIFE! lol. For those poor souls who didn’t get my previous line, it’s a Charmed reference. Back in the day Ella played a witch named Piper Halliwell and one of her powers was the ability to stop, or freeze everything around her. Unless of course you were a demon, then that power had no effect on you. Enough about Piper, lets get back to the Liars!

Hannah needs to get a grip! “He played games with us all the time”. I may have been taken aback the first time he tried those “pick one” games but I would have been unbothered every time after that. So I have to pick one of them to get got or all of them suffer? Well guess what? All of them are going to suffer! That’s the only fair thing to do. This is how I see it. If you pick one, you are going to feel horrible about it and then might even sit around your creepy mock room driving yourself mad trying to justify why you picked one over the other. On the other hand, if you don’t pick at all, everyone gets it resulting in fair treatment of all, lol. Charles would probably get tired of me and my nonchalant attitude regarding him and his games.

Man, Spencer is the worst off of all of them. Dark circles under her eyes, her voice sounds tragic, can’t sleep, feigning  for some pills. I hope the pill she stole from Hannah is enough to get her a good nights sleep so she can bounce back. She looks like she just escaped from Radley’s (and yes I know it closed down).

Ally, it’s your turn to gather your strength and rise up! Hold down the fort until they all get their wits about them. Can you do that? You lived in the shadows for two years and evaded “A” all on your own throughout. Surely you’re capable of keeping them out of trouble for a while.

P.s Ummm where is Mona?

Double Wedding


I’m starting to believe more and more that the leg in the garden does belong to Michael! Taylor is being tres nervous and sketch. Extended business trip? Yeah, extended right into the grave! If this is him, what the hell happened? What lead up to this point. Killing him is one thing, but dismembering him is something else all together! Even if it isn’t him, whoever this was must have really been hated. Y’all think Katie did this and Taylor is trying to cover it up? I’m on the fence about that. How could an 80 pound child overpower and hack a grown man apart? Then again, when you’re Rosemary’s baby, anything is possible 0_0. How about those drawings Blanca saw? I would have crouched behind the door and broken that easel over Katie’s head once she reentered the room! She gets creepier by the episode! I NEED to know her backstory!!

Valentina Delatore. I can dig it! I can also dig Zoila’s union. Until I remember Pablo is the real baby’s daddy. She is going to break Javier’s heart! That little white lie that I was all for in the first episode is quickly taking on a life of its own.

Meester Spence better get a grip! He needs to domesticate himself quick, fast and in a hurry. When will he truly accept the fact that he isn’t an actor who gets steady work anymore? Or the fact he isn’t working with the same household income he once was when he was married to Perry? He needs to reevaluate his life before it costs him his 4 month old marriage.

Carmen working for the Powell’s? This is going to be great!

Well, I can’t wait until next week when Rosie’s “dead” husband reemerges! He has a lot of ‘splainin to doo!

True Life: PLL has been leading me on for 5 years and counting


And so begins another year of questions that will soon be filed under the unanswered questions list we have been compiling for the past five years. Starting with Sarah stranger bitch. I can’t handle anymore new characters. I guess she technically isn’t new since she was mentioned once upon a moon. Regardless, we don’t need any new storylines until we get answers regarding the preexisting ones! If they don’t drop some heavy backstory knowledge about Charles on next week’s episode, “A” will be the least of their worries!

So we know Charles is Jason’s twin or brother. So if he is a twin, doesn’t that mean he’s Spencer’s half brother just like Jason?! How have the other parents never asked about him. Like, “Hey ally’s mom,  I remember you having 3 kids at one point. What happened to the other boy?” I don’t know.

I wonder how many episodes are going to be wasted on Sarah. I will only tolerate 12 mins of next weeks episode being dedicated to her backstory. Not a minute more.

I wonder what happened in their rooms. Hunger game style microchips inserted in their arms? Harry Potter style free hand insults carved into them? The list of possibilities are endless!

Oh and Mona better not get killed now or ever.

I hope next week’s episode is better :-/




…Except for this essay i’m about to write! What a great season opener! After nearly a year, the show has finally returned!! So where do i begin? Let’s start with the fact that Naya Rivera is now on the show! I love her!! Since news broke of her being added, I secretly hoped her character would be like Santanna Lopez. I’m still holding out hope for that, but i’ll live if she is the complete opposite. So far, it seems like she will be the new, old Valentina. You know, young and naive. Either way, I can’t wait to get to know her character.

Now lets talk about the elephant in the room. And by elephant I mean Katie. Ummmm, where did she come from? Whose love child is this Michael or Taylor’s? My guess would be Michael. I think it’s a lot easier for a man to conceal the fact that they have a child indefinitely. Katie appears to be 8-10 yrs old. That being said, he seems to hate her though which kind of makes me think Katie is Taylor’s who he either never knew about or never accepted. Now Katie has come to live with them because her guardian, presumably Taylor’s mother has died or something. Or simply sent her to live with her mother finally. I am letting my imagination run wild, I know. I will reel it in now. Katie is absolutely terrifying! Kids who choose to be mute give me the heebie jeebies. I feel like they are evil! That being said, some have their reasons, and Katie might have a legitimate reason, but until It’s revealed, she’s on my avoid at any cost list. Although she did talk to Blanca. Last but not least, how about that apparent massacre that took place in their living room! Oh my leezy! Whose leg was that in Evelyn’s garden? The easy guess would be Michael’s, but it may belong to some character we have yet to meet.

I knew Valentina wasn’t got to get killed! It rarely works that way when a crowd is involved. You literally hit everyone EXCEPT the one you intended to. And Remy needs to simmer down! I bet you at the first sign of real danger, you’ll look up and Remy would say “look for me!” He’d probably be the first one running for cover. Again. lmao! I did figure Rosie got hit, but I hadn’t even considered Pablo getting hit, let alone dying! What?! I liked Pablo, but better him than any other character (God rest his soul). Rosie was out for 4 months? Jesus Christ! And Meester Spence is over there working for Dolla Bill at the player’s club! Shoot, he said Miguel has to eat! (Cue city high’s, what would you do). I don’t blame him, yet. But if he keeps it up now that Rosie is back and can help with their financial problems, then he is doing it because he wants to!

How about Marisol and Evelyn being bffs?! Who’da thunk it! I was getting a little scared at times, because I thought she was going to go to the dark side. But she showed me, when she stood up for her friends and walked out of her party. You go Marisol! Hopefully she can continue to keep those bad influences of people at bay if she chooses to still run in that circle.

I knew Zoila’s baby was going to be for Pablo! Where’s the fun in it being Sebastian’s? I’ll tell you where, NOWHERE! We also knew she wasn’t going to be able to tell Sebastian the truth either. Not after his initial reaction to her pregnancy announcement. Let’s see how long she can keep this lie up. Once the baby is born, it’s probably going to look as though it could be his anyway! What is she going to tell Valentina? She is probably going to tell her the truth, then Valentina will get mad at her for some other reason during the season, and then tell Sebastian the truth! At which point I would murder Valentina if I were Zoila! lol. There I go again letting my imagination get the best of me.

Carmen, Carmen, Carmen…le sigh. I hope she finds what she’s looking for in a man, and pronto! While I do enjoy her hilarious failures of relationships, I think she deserves a good one. At least for a while, lol.