Category Archives: Mistresses

Good Riddance Harry

Mistresses-113 Ok, so I was excited when I macaroni headed Harry said he was going back to Austraila! I mean, he’s drop dead and all but he’s sooo annoying. I know Savi did him wrong and all, but he’s milking this victim roll for all it’s worth and then some! GET OVER IT ALREADY! Glad Joss couldn’t convince him to stay. Now lets talk about Savi and wreck boy. Whats his name? Zach? It should be homewrecker. He needs to go back to his side of town and make friends there! Join a book club, go play bingo on Thursday nights. I really don’t care what he does as long as he leaves Savi alone. I want her and Dom to work so badly, and he is fuckin it all up. Got Savi acting like a fool. She’s a family oriented lawyer by day, and a reckless teenager by night all because of that damn Zach! Dom, I am sorry you sexy slice of man pie. I hope she doesn’t break your beautiful heart. I hope Karen finds Ben and he accepts the truth. She needs a normal relationship asap. I can not wait to find out what secrets Dale is hiding! Who is this red headed step child? Is it his wife? Girlfriend? Baby mama? I need to know!!!